
Chapter Newsletter


Our chapter newsletter is published every other month. We encourage you to sign up to receive an emailed version through our contact page. Check in the Meetings section to download the newsletter under each monthly title.

In addition to the newsletter, we may also send out announcements to your email in the event of inclement weather, a change in meeting location, or other information that might be useful in a timely manner. Contact our chapter phone number, 515-635-1678 with questions.

The national magazine of The Compassionate Friends, We Need Not Walk Alone, features articles by and for parents, siblings, and grandparents who are grieving the death of a child in their family. Visit the national website to either read the current or archived issues OR submit your own article.

Have you written a story or poem you’d like to have considered for publication in either our Chapter Newsletter or We Need Not Walk Alone magazine? You don’t have to be a professional writer—just someone who has a story to tell that will touch our readers or in some way help them cope with the natural grief process.